Scott DR, White AA.
Approach to desensitization in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2014 Jan;112(1):13-7.
Reports of respiratory symptoms after ASA ingestion occurred in the early 20th century, and the syndrome of ASA-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), asthma, nasal polyps, and ASA induced respiratory symptoms was well characterized by Samter and Beers in 1968. In 1980, Stevenson et al published the first case of therapeutic ASA desensitization for the treatment of AERD. Despite an increased understanding of AERD, it continues to present unique challenges in disease recognition and treatment.
Η πρόσβαση στο άρθρο είναι ελεύθερη από την ιστοσελίδα του εκδότη (άρθρο 11, σελίδες 13-17):
Woessner KM, White AA.
Evidence-based approach to aspirin desensitization in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 Jan;133(1):286-287.
Provocative oral aspirin challenge serves 2 purposes: confirmation of the AERD diagnosis based on the presence of typical respiratory symptoms and desensitization to aspirin and all COX-1–inhibiting NSAIDS. These protocols can be safely performed in specially equipped outpatient allergy clinics with continuous 1:1 monitoring along with the treating physician being directly available. It is critical that any concurrent cardiopulmonary conditions be under optimal control before challenge. The severity of the historical reaction does not predict outcomes in oral aspirin challenges; therefore a patient with a history of intubation caused by full-dose NSAID can safely undergo aspirin challenge and desensitization.
Η πρόσβαση στο άρθρο είναι ελεύθερη από την ιστοσελίδα του εκδότη (άρθρο 57, σελίδα 286 και εξής:
Δύο σύντομες ανασκοπήσεις με θέμα την υπερευαισθησία στην ασπιρίνη και τα πρωτόκολα διαβαθμισμένης πρόκλησης και απευαισθητοποίησης οι οποίες δημοσιεύθηκαν παράλληλα στα τεύχη Ιανουαρίου 2014 των JACI και Annals of AllergyAsthma and Immunology.