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Home / European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, 7–11 September 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

European Respiratory Society (ERS) Annual Congress, 7–11 September 2013, Barcelona, Spain.

ERS Annual Congress,

7–11 September 2013,

Barcelona, Spain.


The educational programme of this year’s Congress incorporates topics and formats designed to

appeal to professionals from all fields of respiratory medicine: 20 Postgraduate Courses, world

renowned teachers and exponents at the 13 Meet the Expert Seminars, 6 Early Morning Seminars

which focus on practical application of knowledge, and 9 hands-on Educational Skills Workshops.

On Saturday the HERMES European Examinations for adult and paediatric respiratory medicine

take place.


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Επιστημονικό πρόγραμμα (αρχείο PDF, 33ΜΒ) :

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