Το τελευταίο τεύχος του Allergy Watch (May – June 2012) κυκλοφόρησε.
H πρόσβαση είναι ελεύθερη :
Όπως πάντα θα βρείτε μία εμπεριστατωμένη αντικειμενική παρουσίαση και έναν σύντομο σχολιασμό άρθρων της τρέχουσας βιβλιογραφίας με θέμα την Αλλεργιολογία και την Κλινική Ανοσολογία αντλημένη από 19 μείζονα ιατρικά περιοδικά.
Grass Pollen SLIT: Five-Year Outcome Study.
In this issue, we look at a number of recent reports on exercise-induced
bronchonconstriction in athletes (and others).
Elite Swimmers Show Airway Changes.
Should We Screen for EIB in Athletes?
Is EIB a Problem for Asthma Patients?
Asthma Is Overdiagnosed in Elite Athletes.
Asthma ‘Remissions’ Are Common–But Most Patients Have Active Disease.
IgG4: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Diversity Is Good–Particularly in Gut Bacteria.
Could Mannitol Be Used for ICS Titration in Persistent Asthma?
Many Obese Patients Misdiagnosed with Asthma.
Do We Need a Math-Free Approach to Immunotherapy Preparation?
Poor Follow-up after ED Visits for Asthma in Children on Medicaid.
Assessment of a QI Program for Asthma Care in Urban Children.
Asthma Medications during Pregnancy and Risk of Birth Defects.
Oral Immunotherapy for Cow’s Milk Allergy–Not Ready For Clinical Practice.
Low HDL Cholesterol Predicts Adolescent Asthma.
ED Visits for Anaphylaxis in Children: Population-Based Series.
Causal Link between Allergic Sensitization and Rhinovirus Wheezing.
Differences in FP Bioavailability with Different VHC/Mask Devices.
Are Inhaled Glucocorticoids Safe during Pregnancy?
No Surprise–Food Allergies Continue to Increase.
New Polymorphism Linked to Both Eczema and Asthma.
H1/H3 Agonist Combination Relieves Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms.
HRV as Asthma Trigger–And Possible Mediator.